McCarty Party 2007: Tastes Like Chicken

Every year we try to provide our patrons with more (more music, more beer, more of the magic you’ve come to expect of us)… while at the same time actually doing less prep work ourselves. This year was no exception. In order to rest our own brain cells, we polled our audience regarding what they would like to see at McCarty Party. Survey said: “More naked women” (number one answer on the board). Hmmm… seems like we could have thought of that one ourselves!

For the first time since 1996, we had live musical entertainment other than the traditional mid-afternoon set by the Grateful Parrot. However, Jim and Kimmie showed up the evening before and provided an impromptu performance following the golf outing. We liked it. In fact, it might actually be the only new idea from this year that’s a keeper.

Although the band on Saturday was hot, they weren’t particularly amenable to giving up some stage time so that we could run our events. As a result, we only managed to get through three of the events scheduled (though, strangely enough, we still managed to give out all of the T-shirt prizes). And since the band refused to patch their sound mix through our central mixing board, we were also unable to pipe the music throughout the Camp McCarty complex as planned (or get a recording for our archives). Damn party-virgin bands.

The party itself was its usual somewhat hazy blend of various types of alcohol combined with even more alcohol (what can we say, you don’t mess with success). As far as the lessons learned department goes, let’s just say that Mike will never again allow himself to nod off on the hammock when Bo is circulating the party with a Sharpie in hand.