McCarty Party 2005: more than just a basic survival party

Did someone say strippers?

Yes, the rumours are true (no, not the ones about Dale and the 18-year-old Irish girl from Dublin… that was just an alcohol-induced figment of Dale’s imagination left over from the beer he drank at Oktoberfest). For the first time ever, McCarty Party had naked women sprawled across the floor of the Brookside Church and Tavern. Hmmm, let me re-phrase. I meant that for the first time ever we had “professional” naked women sprawled across the floor (because, as you you know, it happenes every year with those damn “amateurs”). This was due to the “accidental” scheduling of a bachelor party at Dale’s place on the same night as McCarty Party. Oops… our bad. We promise that it definitely won’t happen again this year (unless somebody is getting married that we don’t know about).

We’re pretty sure some other stuff happened at McCarty Party 24 as well, but we were down in the pub getting lap dances and missed it.