McCarty Party 2004: The XXIII Annual Summer Games

Okay, so what if we used an Olympics theme for the second time. We refuse to apologize for it. We like to think that the recycling of our own themes is just another example of the kind eco-friendly activities we are famous for. And it’s not like any of you were at the original Olympiad (you probably don’t even know what year it was… without looking). Hell, most of you probably don’t know what year this is (without looking!).

In an attempt to generate more participation, we tried to hold a new event… the alcohol ice luge. Unfortunately, we bought some bad ice and the event had to be cancelled. Stangely enough however, keg bowling continued to increase it’s already surprising popularity. It just goes to show that many of you will try anything that involves alcohol and the rolling of large metal containers… now if we could just get a few braves souls to enter the lip-sync contest or show us your “Stupid Beer Tricks!”