McCarty Party 1990: Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happy Hour

Well, what can we say? McCarty Party 1990, “Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happy Hour” saw the most beer ever consumed (to this point). Oddly enough, it also saw Dale’s college advisor in a dress (we’re still trying to figure that one out). Once again, new things were added (a stage and floodlights), new things were tried (the traditional T-shirt gave way to the tank top), and the legend continued to grow.

For only the second time in the storied history of McCarty Party, rain threatened to chase away the non-believers. But then the beer truck arrived on the party grounds, the clouds parted, and (as the sun sparkled off the now flowing amber liquid of the gods) all was right with the world.

The down side to McCarty Party 1990 was a slight incident in traffic mismanagement that turned our dad’s van into a twisted heap of metal, and left Dale suffering from a concussion during the festivities. (Okay… it didn’t stop him from winning the lip-sync contest with Trevor, but he does whine about it to this day.)