McCarty Party 2000: eBeer

Party globally. Drink locally.

The last McCarty Party of the 20th century saw the second lowest attendence in the history of the party (ranking ahead of only the ’87 non-rain-delay debacle). Of course, it was Dale’s fault. He was so busy renovating the grounds of Camp McCarty in time for the party that he forgot to send out any invitations.

As a result, only the hardcore party veterans (and the internet addicts who actually check out our Web site when they’ve finished surfing for porn) knew when to show up. But come on people… we’ve been using the same formula to determine the date of McCarty Party for over a decade now. Are you trying to tell us that we’ve killed so many of your brain cells over the years that you can no longer figure this out on your own? Of course, on the bright side, that just left more beer for those of us who attended.

Once again, it seems like we had some wild idea about streaming the party live over the internet… but there were problems or something. We can’t really remember how that turned out. But did we mention the college girls Mike brought from Yellow Springs that insisted on walking around the party naked to “better commune with the natural setting” of Camp McCarty? We didn’t… ? Well, we were pretty loaded.